Creative Professionals

1854713803When passion turns into work

*Maria used to have a passion for photography. Every minute she could, she was outside shooting. However, since it became her job, she would rather do anything else after work. It feels like such an important part of her has gone missing.

*Jess has been writing for years but is feeling lost. Her work isn’t speaking to her anymore; it feels like part of her psyche is breaking down. She is taking a break and doesn’t want to go back, but what would life be without her creativity?

The demands of dream life

*Monica has been playing bass since she was 13. She’s made a break with her band and has been touring for five years. This was her dream, all she ever wanted, but the reality is much more difficult. She is constantly hitting the road with the same people, eating poorly, having no time for self-care, and feeling selfish for taking so much time away from her family. Who is she supposed to talk to about this, though?  She’s the “lucky” one.

*Oliver has a gallery and has been trying to keep up with the demands for work, shows, and fairs. He’s starting to experience burnout, and the work is already compromised. How is he supposed to keep doing this?

Communicating between you and your creativity

Creativity connects directly to the unconscious, a part of you that you don’t have much control over. Working with something you love and that has a mind of its own can present challenges, which is why things that used to come naturally have begun to dry up.

I will help you open communication with the unconscious through dream analysis, interpretation, and other creative/ritualistic engagements. You will learn to honor what your work needs from you, along with what you need from the work. Additionally, we’ll keep on top of practical things like daily self-care routines.

It is also important to create internal protective strategies to keep out unwelcome external forces. With these strategies and a host of others (e.g. making space for ‘free play,’ exploring other creative acts, meditation, engaging creative community, identifying the ‘selves’ that show up in your creative practice), we can get you back to doing what you love most.

1257513868Surrendering to the flow

Through our work, we will reopen your creative channels, allowing you to fall back into your creative “flow.” The burdens will lift, and you’ll find yourself lost in your work, reconnecting with your passion.  You will have a reinvigorated sense of what you REALLY want from the work, and what it wants from you. You’ll have a clear sense of what the next level is, and how to get there.

Cultivate a sense of balance and wholeness. Call today for a complimentary 20- to 30-minute consultation to see if we would be a good fit (845) 745-5879.

*Names and stories are composite narratives and do not reflect actual clients.